Don't Do It Without A Doula!

The bloggings of a new doula, and the other things that take up her days!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Some exciting things are happening

I was in the local Birthright office to donate some things and talk to them about volunteering my doula services. I saw some pamphlets for another doula, I was pretty surprised to hear of a doula in this county because as far as I knew they were pretty much non-existant! So I called her and we met up a few days later. She's been trained for almost 2 years and still never been to a birth. We're brainstorming about ways to get new clients. She's also a massage therapist, which is really cool. We've agreed to be each other's back-up doula too. We're swapping doula books and other resources.

I also have a few prospective clients again... mostly volunteer work but I'm just excited to attend births. As long as I can afford the gas to get there!


Blogger BGK said...

I've done this -- provided cbe/doula services for the needy and relinquishing moms for many years. I find them often to be tough nuts to crack...often idealistic to the point of being ridiculous, expectations devoid of reality, and sometimes-- since they don't have any money invested -- just won't call you. I've left lots of advice over on alldoulas, I hope it helps.

5:11 PM  

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